Tuesday, June 30, 2009

How can we make a difference?

This is the question I ask myself each day when I get up. What can I do that makes a difference in someone's life. Being missionaries in Papua New Guinea has given us opportunities that are quite different than we have in the USA.

  • Lori (my wife) is a nurse and runs an evangelistic medical clinic. About 100 people come through the clinic each day it is open. These people are sick with bad colds, flu, large sores all over their bodies, cancer, and even AIDS. These people realize they have physical needs and especially those that know they are dying are very open to spiritual guidance and help and the GOSPEL.

  • Most of us do not have that kind of opportunity every day but what about today. What are you doing to make a difference in someone's life today?

Each day I will try to share one aspect of PNG life and maybe we can all find ways in our own lives that we make a difference. You may be living in PNG, Africa, USA or any where else but we can all learn from one another. If you got some good ideas please share with all of us.

Make a difference TODAY,



  1. Here's something that everyone can do to make a difference:
    Everyone gets junk mail here in the USA. Instead of throwing the postage paid return envelopes away I put a gospel tract in it and send it back. Someone has to open it and I pray that the person may receive God's word. I've done this for almost 10 years now. Every week I send at least 3 tracts out. I may never know the results but it is one way to spread God's word. It's a small step that anyone can do.

  2. that is a great idea and usually the postage is no extra. thanks for giving a very simple yet life changing idea.
